Past FMARC Speakers
Alice Linahan, Voices Empower
Aaron Harris, Direct Action Texas
Allie Beth Stuckey, “The Conservative Millennial”
Adam Brandon, FreedomWorks
Barry Smitherman
Catherine Engelbrecht, founder of True The Vote
Cathie Adams, Texas Eagle Forum
Congressman Michael Burgess
Denton County Commissioner, Andy Eads
Denton County Sheriff, Will Travis
Dr. Kevin Rogers, LISD Superintendent
Honorable Robert Ramirez
Jacki Pick, Natl. Center for Policy Analysis
Jane Nelson, TX State Senator
Jeffery Addicott
JoAnn Fleming, Grassroots America
Jon-David Wells, “Wells Report”
Judge, David Garcia
Lt. Col. Allen West
Michael Berry, First Liberty Institute
Michael Quinn Sullivan, Empower Texans
Nick Adams
Pastor Stephen Broden
Rafael Cruz
Rebecah Lentz , Texas Right To Life
State Rep. Jodie Laubenberg
Steve Moore, FreedomWorks
Texas State Rep. Pat Fallon
Texas State Rep, Ron Simmons
Texas State Rep, Scott Turner
Texas State Rep. Tan Parker
Texas State Rep. Wayne Christian (former)
Texas State Senator, Jane Nelson
Texas State Senator, Konni Burton
Tom Giovanetti, Inst. for Policy Innovation